Saturday, 9 August 2014

Sorry and all that

I haven't been a very good Blogger here on Tails.

I haven't really had the inclination to write here.

As my excuse I can plead my ill health which has been awful this year. I can only cope with so much  and creating little mice  and writing about them, has not been one of them.
I only have one follower and so I don't feel bad in saying that I am going to discontinue writing this blog.

I have so many projects in various guises, to carry on with, that I'm not stuck for craft work to engage in. I will still make mice but they'll be available to see on Heartfelt, my Facebook page ( which I'm sure you are all aware of ).

I'm sorry if you'll miss Tails...but there we are.
Everything good comes to an end.

This is the end of the Tail. ;)

Thank you for being with The Medlar House Mice here on this blog. We've enjoyed it.

ON to things new!


Friday, 10 January 2014

Twelfth Night Tails

It's been a quiet Christmas under the roots of the Medlar Tree. No snow, thank goodness. Little mice aren't really very happy about snow. It takes them a lot longer to find food hidden underneath it.

And talking of food.

You remember that Mrs Persimmon, is the cook who makes all the goodies for the Medlar House mice to eat?
She has been so busy this Christmas, cooking and baking, basting and brewing. She needed some help, especially when it came to the celebration of the last day of Christmas, Twelfth Night.
Here she is in her party dress.
Did you know that there are twelve days to Christmas? It isn't JUST a song.
On the last day of Christmas the Medlar House Mice have a huge party and Mrs Persimmon couldn't keep up with the amount of food she had to make.
So she called on her sister Mrs Crumble to come and help her.
Mrs Crumble lives with a boy called Toby ( he actually designed her before Christmas and I have made her specially ), but up she came on her neat little paws with her snug blue shawl and her lace pinny, to help her sister. Oh what fun they had over the Medlar tarts and Silver pear souffles.

On Twelfth Night the youngest mice are the mice who do everything. They make up the games they shall play and they do all the serving of the food. They run hither and thither doing jobs, running with messages and generally having a lot of fun.
Then of course after the BIG meal they are all very tired.

Little Ditsy Dormouse ate a WHOLE CHESTNUT PIE! It was nearly as big as he was. He's sleeping it off now. What a very fat tummy!
Old Mother Hubbard Mouse, went all the way to America at Christmouse to visit her relations in New Mexico.
Never mind, she is back now...but ...deary me....where is her dog Boneless?

Oh, he decided, she tells me, to stay in America where the cupboard is never bare.

She has another little dog now called Biscuit. He is a Wire Haired Fox Terrier Mouse Dog. I see his plate is still empty. I hope she gets him some dinner soon. Surely there are lots of scraps from the Twelfth Night dinner he can eat?
Little Philomel has a voice like a Nightingale and she sang beautifully to lull everyone to sleep on Twelfth Night. I love her stripey jacket and feathery hat. She tells me she found the feather caught in the branches of the Curly Hazel Tree in the Medlar House Garden. It's bright pink! I haven't seen any bright pink sparrows in the garden....but you never know. If the mice in the garden can be pretty colours because of their diet, so might the birds.
Shhhh, everyone is asleep now, after the Twelfth Night revels.

Happy New Year to everypaw under the roots of the Medlar Tree and Happy New Year to everyone who reads Tails from Medlar House.