Wednesday, 13 February 2013

More Haste, Less Speedwell.

Sunday March 31st is Easter day.

Then, here in the Medlar House garden things will be moving - nature wise. And the little mice who live under the Medlar Tree will be out gathering what ever they can to decorate their homes.
Catkins and Pussy Willow are prized, as are Primroses and Violets, they are all growing in the garden.

Little Blue Speedwell ( which is also a little blue plant ) has decided she can't wait until the real flowers are out to decorate her Easter Bonnet. She has gone for felt flowers and beads instead. Here you can see her trying on the latest one. A pink confection with blue, purple and pink flowers and beads and a real hand dyed silk ribbon trailing at the back.

Speedwell is not just named after the flower....she has no patience at all and cannot wait for she must have a hat now!

Every time she tries a hat, she must brush her hair...goodness me...she has tried several already....that is a lot of brushing.

By the time Easter arrives...she'll be bald!

Look them up on Facebook...